ADHD Coaching Brisbane AustraliaOVERVIEW
Adhd Diagnosis Adults Brisbane
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. (ADHD) is a condition that causes people to have difficulty focusing on tasks, pay attention, control impulsive behaviours, and stay organised. It affects an estimated 3% of children and 2% of adults in Australia. Why Choose Us? We understand how difficult it can be to find a doctor who understands your needs and will provide the right care. That's why we're committed to providing high quality, affordable healthcare services to everyone in our community. What Is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition affecting children and adults. It affects people differently, so there isn't one set of symptoms that define ADHD. Symptoms vary between individuals and can range from mild to severe. The Symptoms If you're struggling with attention issues, you might not realise that these symptoms are actually signs of ADHD. Here's how to tell if you have ADHD: • Inattention - You often miss details or fail to finish tasks. • Hyperactivity - You fidget, squirm, or blurts out answers before being asked questions. • Impulsivity - You act without thinking through consequences. Treatment Options There are several different treatments available for adult ADHD. Medication is usually the first line of defense, but there are also behavioral therapies and lifestyle changes that can help improve symptoms. Aftercare If medication isn't right for you, we offer other options such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and mindfulness training. CBT helps people learn how to manage their emotions and behaviours better so they can live happier lives. Mindfulness training teaches people to focus on the present moment and reduce stress by being aware of their thoughts and feelings. As of April 2022 we will have more ADHD Life Coaches joining us across Australia. We will have ADHD life coaches in Sydney, Melbourne, Western Australia, Adelaide and Tasmania and will fall under the ADHD Coaching Australia brand.
Our Difference is very simple, non-clinical and purely driven by practical ADHD life goals the individual wants to achieve. We have found through our own experience and from feedback of clients there is a huge gap in the market. This is where we step in and help the individual with their needs with our amazing ADHD Coaching courses.