How to manage your new University Life?

woman reading book while sitting on chair

Managing your school life is easy in the early years, as you do not have much to do, and there is less study burden. You usually have plenty of time to study and for your leisure activities. But that does not remain the case always, as you find more study burden and less time over the years. As the years go on, or the exams are approaching, you find it challenging to manage study and leisure activities side by side effectively. Unless you follow an effective time management plan, you miss one of them both.

Many students start the new semester with high expectations of studying hard, being successful, and finding an outstanding balance. But often fail to achieve it, and the exam season comes very soon unless they follow a plan. For effective time management, you must follow it on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, with following time management tips the most effective.

List the To-do’s/ Goals:

The first stage of improving your time management skills is to list down all the tasks and priorities you must do and note down any work shifts if you are doing part-time. This may seem obvious, but many students do not make a list and leave their essential tasks for the very end. You must also give some nourishment to the brain, and we are not talking about snacks or food; it’s about relaxing activities, exercise, and play. List down all your to-do’s and note down how much time you need to give each part. This will help you manage your time according to your priorities.

Prepare a Weekly/Monthly Schedule:

Whether it’s a calendar, a diary, or a planner, find a time management tool for yourself, and add your list of to-dos according to your priorities. You can find many time management apps for this purpose. Also, note down the hours that you are most active and allot those hours to your study. Also, allocate some time to sports and exercise to keep you occupied. Along with all this, do not compromise your sleep, as a sound sleep of 7 to 8 hours is essential for the good functioning of a person.

Be Flexible but Realistic:
Allot a pre-planned set time for your studies, which may vary from 7 to 10 hours according to your syllabus. Studies show that a student needs to dedicate around 35 hours to their studies in a week, so if you spend 20 hours in seminars and tutor-based learnings, you must have 15 to 20 hours for independent study. Also, keep in mind that things usually take longer than expected, so keep a bit extra time margin for each deadline if your work drags a bit, but do not do it too often.

Allow time for planning and create study blocks:

Another practical thing is to give some time to research and plan what you will study and study. You must also know that adequate research and planning help you avoid repetitions and re-loading excessive information. The effective way is to list down all the points you want to know, research, and find out about them. After that, make study blocks of your total time. Researchers have proved that studying in blocks is more effective and rewarding than in one go. So, if you are studying 8 hours a day, divide it into blocks of 2 to 3 hours and take little breaks between these blocks.

Find a dedicated study space:

Some students spend hours looking for somewhere quiet to study. A key to the ongoing effective study is to allow a proper analysis away from distractions and where you can concentrate properly. You can change your study space when you see feasible but find somewhere quiet that works for you.

Avoid Procrastination and Distraction:

A way to avoid procrastination is to think of different places you have been and out of them where you have been the most distracted and what made you the most focused. Also, find out ways to make your study somewhat enjoyable and interesting. Remember that what works for one person may not work for you and vice versa. For example, studying in groups limits the productivity of some individuals, while it can increase the studying capability of others.

Evaluate your Measures:

Has your schedule been effective, and are you able to better manage your study? Evaluate yourself from time to time, and if you are not getting better results, change your technique. Constantly reviewing and reassessing your schedule can help you complete any university tasks effectively and have leisure time to relax and play.


How to manage time? | Top Universities

School-Life Balance | Johns Hopkins Student Assistance Program (

Using Effective Time Management To Improve Your Studying (

Managing Your Time and Study Environment (

Time management skills that improve student learning (

13 Productive and valuable things to do in your free time | Adapt – the brilliant study planner designed for students (


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