Could a Family Dog Be The Answer To Your Family?


Dogs have long been known as the most loyal companion one can own. They are sentimental, empathetic, and caring towards the owner. But can a dog help someone with a mental disorder? Is a family dog truly a solution to your family’s ADHD symptoms? Let’s find out!

It is a known fact that ADHD is more common in children than adults. According to research, around 6 million children in the US alone are diagnosed with ADHD or ADD and the cases are still rising. However, the good news is that we now have several treatment options to deal with ADHD symptoms. Can a dog be the answer to your ADHD symptoms? Read on to find out!

How can family dogs help relieve ADHD symptoms?

Dogs, as we know, have a very friendly nature which makes us all want to have at least one in our house. If you are suspecting ADHD in any family member, investing in a therapy dog might be the best idea for you and your family.

Following are a few benefits of owning a family dog while struggling through ADHD symptoms:

Keeps you occupied

People with ADHD tend to feel lonely even when surrounded by friends and family. Therefore, having a pet as an additional family member is always a good choice, best; if it’s a dog. Whenever you don’t feel like socializing much, you can play around with it, paying your goodbyes to the loneliness. 

Helps you stay calm 

We know how dogs keep us happy and cheerful all day long. They can help us stay calm and composed in the toughest of situations, sometimes; by testing our patience and other times simply by giving a warm hug.

Empower your self-esteem

Studies suggest that interacting with dogs strikes a sense of positivity in oneself. To test this, a randomized trial was performed to compare ADHD patients with family dogs to those without a dog, the results showed a positive change in behavior of the former group. Hence, having a dog around does strengthen your self-esteem preparing you to face the more difficult challenges in the future. 

Helps you maintain a social life

People with ADHD find it difficult to stay connected with other people. Having a therapy dog around can help them learn the art of socializing, especially with other dog owners. Moreover, they reduce your stress level and help get rid of the impulsive behavior that may ruin one’s social life otherwise.

Teaches you management skills

This is probably the best thing you would learn from a dog. Organizing and managing are the two skills that usually people with ADHD lack. And what better way to learn it than by scheduling your dog’s routine? 

From their playtime to evening walks, and breakfast to dinner, you are in charge of everything. It’s a huge responsibility, as well as a fun task to do every day. Moreover, it helps you stay organized in your life and focus better on important things that you otherwise might forget about. 

Helps control your emotions

Being neurodiverse can affect one’s capability of thinking straight. But being around a dog and taking responsibility for petting one can strengthen your emotional stability severalfold. This way, children with ADHD can perform well academically, avoid negativity, and make better decisions in the long run. 


All-time love and affection

As much as dogs love attention from their owners, they know how to give it back when the time comes. This is why dogs are the best option and an answer to your family’s ADHD symptoms. They know when and how to give you love and attention when you are in dire need of them.

What is the best dog breed for people with ADHD?

Dogs have qualified as true emotional support animals for ADHD patients after several studies and research. There are tons of dog breeds that you can opt for. It’s all up to your preference to find the best one for your family. 

Here are a few shortlisted dog breeds that are capable of being the best choice to help alleviate ADD symptoms:

  • Labrador Retriever
  • Beagle
  • Golden Retriever
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Poodles

The best thing about owning a dog is that the need for medications subsides once you invest in a family dog. However, that’s not the case with all ADHD patients. Therefore, always consult your therapist before withdrawing any medications.





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